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All Superior Once Again

Throughout the year, the Amory band relished the fact that they were all superior. With that thought in their head, it was now a new marching season with a new expectation. A higher standard was set by making all ones at competition in the 21-22 season. In the marching band world, making all superior is one of the highest honors a band can hold. Making all ones means more than a couple of shiny trophies on a shelf for everyone to see; the band that earned that rating gave it their all into what they do.

Many think that the band shouldn't be considered a sport, but band is one of the most physically demanding activities a student can participate in. You see, a band practices for hours on end, not by tackling each other or kicking a ball across the field, but by running through drills repeatedly to memorize our spots on the field and our music.

One thing that the Amory band dreads hearing is Mr. Colburn yelling out, "One more time!" Everyone grips and moans over this saying because they all know it isn't the last time they will run through that drill section. While this may feel as if it is pointless, the band as a whole knows that this very action pushes them closer to that desired outcome of an all-superior rating.

With the closing of this marching season, the seniors, captions, and drum major stood on the football field of Tupelo High School, nervously awaiting the score they had made, with the entirety of what they had worked on for the past few months on the line. Finally, as the rating was called out and the final call of superior rang through the stadium, the group could hear their bandmates cheering behind them, knowing that they had achieved their goal for the season.

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